November 7, 1917 - Tofig
Guliyev was born in Baku
1929 - Tofig Guliyev entered
a music college within Azerbaijan State Conservatoire in the
famous teacher S Turich’s class
1931 - wrote his first song
"A boy going to school" to the text of Mirza Alakbar
1934 - entered Azerbaijan
State Conservatoire and studied at two faculties simultaneously:
in the piano class of I.S Aysberg and conductor class of Shtrasser.
1934-35 - involved in collection
of folk music, dances under leadership of Bul-Bul.
1935 - recorded the mughams
"Rast" and "Cegah Zabul" from the play
of the famous tar player Mirza Mansur Mansurov.
1935 - conductor's activity
at the Azerbaijan State Drama Theater.
1936 - Uzeir Hajibeyov initiated
to send a group of talented representatives of youth to study
at Moscow State Conservatoire, Tofig Guliyev being among them,
where he continued his education as a conductor.
1937 - 39 – worked as a piano
player at Alexander Zhfasman’s band.
1939 – on returning to Baku
he organized the first State Pops Orchestra together with
Niyazi, and so became one of the founders of Azerbaijan Jazz.
From this period Tofig Guliyev wrote above 30 dramatic spectacles
at various years.
1941, September 7 - the orchestra
administered by T. Guliyev performed the very first concerto
at the Baku Philharmonic, putting a start to the jazz movement
in Azerbaijan.
1941, June - most of the
members of his Jazz orchestra had to go to the war, and there
they managed to organize 402 Transcaucasia infantry division
orchestra, raising the battle spirit of soldieries in Rostov,
Krasnodar, Mozdoks.
In 1941 – success of his
first film "Sabuhi". Very soon composing film music
became his main activity as a composer and a conductor. During
his life he created music to 40 Azerbaijani films.
1944 – creative relations
of Tofig Gulev and Eddi Rozner, Tofig making numerous adaptations
to Rozner's orchestra.
1946-47 – performance along
with Rashid Behbudov and their triumphal tours throughout
the cities of the former Soviet Union
1948 - continued his study
at Moscow State Conservatory both at the composition class
of Golubev and conducting class of Ginzburg.
1951 – having graduated from
Moscow Conservatoire he was recommended to the post-graduate
studies at the class of Gauk. He gave concerts conducting
compositions by Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, Glazunov, Gara Garayev
at Moscow Philharmonic and Conservatoire Halls.
1954-1958 - teaching activity
in the opera and orchestra classes, as well as knowledge of
instruments at Azerbaijan State Conservatoire
1958-59 - an artistic administrator
at the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic named after Muslim Magomayev
1958 – named "Honored
Art Worker of the Azerbaijan Republic" for creative achievements.
1959 - awarded the "Order
of the Red Labor Banner of the USSR" and elected as a
deputy of the VI Convocation of the Azerbaijan Supreme Soviet
1961 – Director of the Azerbaijan
State Philharmonic Society named after Muslim Magomayev.
1964 - named People's Artist
of Azerbaijan
1966 – participation in the
trip to Czechoslovakia for celebration there "Azerbaijan
Art Days", where he composed a "Song about Prague"
and "Song about Bratislava", which were very soon
published in the country and became very popular. Interesting
and productive can be called his trips as a member of artistic
delegation to Bulgaria, Poland, Italy.
1968, September – elected
a Secretary of the Composers’ Union of the Azerbaijan Republic
1973 – First Secretary of
the Composers' Union of the Azerbaijan Republic
1974 - honored a State Premium
for composing music to the film "Nasimi" at the
World Cinema Festival, a script written by Seyidbeyli.
1976-77 – a leader of the
Azerbaijan art people delegation to Brussels for presentation
of Fine art of the Azerbaijan Republic
1990 - elected as a Chairman
of the Union at the VII Convocation of the Composers’ Union
and served at this position till the end of his life.
1998 - awarded the Istiglal
(Independence) Order, the highest honor bestowed upon citizens
in the independent Republic. The President Heydar Aliyev personally
awarded him this Order.
2000, October 4 - passed
2003, November 7 - Ilham
Aliev, the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, signed the
executed order "to commemorate memory" of Tofig